It is easy to claim virtue.  A politician can cloak himself in honesty and integrity.  He can shout words of unity from the bully pulpit.  But simple words without action easily mist away in the cauldron of politics.  At least they do when uttered without sincerity and meaning.  And that brings us to President Biden’s leadership – the man who claims to unify us all – and the new Georgia election law. 

The problem here is not the Georgia law per se.  There is no need to review that law in any detail.  It is well reviewed and discussed elsewhere.  But there is nothing in that law that impairs any person’s ability to vote.  Claims to the contrary are dishonest.  They are Chicken Little whining wrapped in bald political gain seeking.

It’s All About Character

The problem here is President Unity’s character.  The imagery surrounding George Washington was of a man who could not lie.  When Washington spoke, his sincerity was never questioned.  Integrity – the root of all sincere character – begins and ends with honesty.  And if a person intends to lead without it, then he will persuade no one.  He will lead from behind.  He will divide, not mend.

Biden's Leadership

President Biden’s leadership, in the face of the benign Georgia law, started with name-calling, added in a wolfpack of false claims, and ended by calling for – and getting – punishment.  A crass display of political hectoring that discarded claims of integrity and honesty into a toxic miasma.

His “official remarks” started with playground name calling: “This law,” he said, “like so many others being pursued by Republicans in statehouses across the country, is a blatant attack on the Constitution and good conscience.”  Those Republicans – all Republicans after all – are unconscionable rapscallions.  Then he went a little further.  As he put it, “what I’m worried about is how un-American this whole initiative is.”  So, you see, the people with whom he would unify do not believe in American ideals.  They are less than American.

What better way to further bind the wounds of division then with the soaring – and burning – rhetorical imagery of decades long since passed and slavery itself.  Why those un-American Republicans brought us nothing less than “Jim Crow in the 21st Century.”  They would return us to slavery itself if they could.  By golly, they bring us nothing less than an “atrocity.”  Perhaps millions will die.  This new law is so horribly un-American that it even shames “Jim Crow.”  Those evil Republicans, President Unity shouted, have brought us the father of all Jim Crow – why, it is “Jim Eagle” himself.

Leaders Without Integrity Lack Moral Authority

Then, there’s President Unity’s “misstatements” about what’s in the Georgia law.  Even the Washington Post reviewed some of those lies, offering up the dreaded four Pinocchios for his tall tale about the law ending voting hours early.  And forget not the wrong claim that “you can’t provide water for people about to vote.”  Think about the imagery here, people collapsing from thirst while waiting to cast their precious ballots.  Grossly irresponsible.

Where is the judgment behind President Unity’s subsequent call for punishment?  So this is where Biden’s leadership takes us.  A President of the United States calling for an economic boycott of one of the fifty states.  Talk about opening a Pandora’s Box of hatred.  President Unity dropped wisdom right into the commode on this one, and then he flushed.  From now and forever more it must make sense – in unifying the country after all – for a President who has a policy disagreement with the leaders of any State to bring the boycott hammer to the debate.  Dick Enberg could say it no better: “Oh my!”

Lead on, President Unity!  Next time, bring a hammer.  Or better yet, a guillotine.